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Themen - Sarah_Mark

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Englische Geschichten / Nina in the forest parking lot
« am: Juni 13, 2020, 20:46:59 »
"What if this guy from the car pooling is a hottie?"      
   "It would be cool. If so, I'll hide and you take him home."

Imagine that your own girlfriend wants to sleep with the unfamiliar driver from the car pooling on a harmless ride. It happened to me–and many other things.

I bid you welcome to my book series "Aims to cause suffering – my life as a swinger, wife-sharer and cuckold."

With this works, I'm looking forward to taking all of you, who are interested, along on my erotic journey through my sexual life of the past twenty years. In this book series, I talk about my first steps as a swinger, my experiences as a wifesharer and my development into a cuckold.

Part 1,2 and 3 is now available on Amazon:

I will attach one story out of book number 3. Enjoy!!!


Nina in the Forest Parking Lot (WS, C1)
Spring had come by now. The first sunrays greeted you outside. The days were warmer and longer again. A great many people flocked outdoors to enjoy the first sunny days. The flowers began to bloom and the hormones to make their presence feel. To Nina and me, the new weather conditions meant that the time in the open air had come again. We could finally relocate our lust to the nature outdoors again and didn't have to keep struggling with old hotel rooms and curious neighbors any longer. We could have fun in the open. At the same time as the arrival of the first sunny days, my birthday was around the corner as well. Nina had given me tickets for the circus as a surprise gift. One of the most famous entertainers had pitched up their tent in Frankfurt for a couple of days, and Nina treated me to watch the performance that evening. At 8 p.m., the show began. We arrived punctually at the "Ratsweg", the place of the venue, and enjoyed two hours full of excitement and entertainment. Back then, I was very fond of the colorful activities in the circus ring, even though I'm not a big fan of circuses anymore in these days. After the last performance, we left the tent shortly after 10 p.m. Nina and I were in high spirits, as we strolled together with the crowd of the other spectators along the street. It was still wonderfully warm, so that we didn't need jackets. We talked about the performances we had just watched, and the evening atmosphere was great. We weren't in a hurry, and we were completely relaxed, as we walked hand in hand to our car.
When we finally had reached our car and were about to leave the parking lot, I asked Nina, while we were still in Frankfurt, to reach behind the back of her seat and to fetch the backpack I had hidden there very secretly in the afternoon. Nina didn't know that I had orchestrated something beforehand, which would expect us after the performance. On my birthday, I also wanted to surprise her by giving her a present as well, so to say. And now I confronted her with that very surprise. Nina was amazed and reached for the black bag that had already been sitting behind her seat all day without attracting her attention. She unzipped it curiously and pulled out the bag's contents, one piece after another. The bag contained her matt black pumps whose heels were about 2.5 inches high, a gray mini dress of cotton and fine fishnet stockings. Nina put all those pieces of clothing neatly on her lab. When the bag was completely empty, she gave me a questioning look, even though she obviously already knew my answer. "What shall I do with these, shall I put them on for you?" she asked me.
"Yes, please put them on. We still have plans for today," I said, beaming at her.
Nina was glad about that surprise. She knew that something erotic would be in store for her, and she liked the idea. She was excited and full of pleasant anticipation, as she put the lingerie in the legroom, pulled back her seat and began to undress slowly. She had great difficulty in changing her clothes. It was narrow and uncomfortable. She bumped against the ceiling and the front seats. Every time when I stepped on the brakes, she slid forward on her seat, and only with difficulty, she managed to steady herself and to sit upright again. It took a lot of time, until Nina had put on both of the stockings, her dress and her shoes. And so, she was unaware of the fact that we had already left the route to our place. I hadn't planned at all to return home, and I hadn't planned either to get intimate with Nina to mark the occasion. I was up to something very different.
The trip took about 15 minutes in total, before we turned from a country road into a very lonely forest parking lot. The parking lot in question was mainly used by dog lovers in the daytime. They parked their cars there and then left for the forest nearby to walk their dogs. In the evenings and at night, the parking lot was deserted. Apart from the moon, there wasn't any light either, so that the atmosphere was certainly somewhat eerie. The dark scenario, however, had the advantage that the parking lot was deserted in the evenings and seemed to be perfect for my intentions.
When we turned into the deserted parking lot, we were alone. That was how I had imagined it. I parked on the left side at a wooden balustrade, right on the edge of the forest. I stopped the engine and asked Nina to get out of the car. She did as I said and opened the passenger door obediently. She was a bit unsteady on her feet, as she walked about three feet away from the car, and then she looked questioningly around. She scanned the surroundings quickly in all directions, and it seemed that she felt a bit uneasy about that surprise. But she put on a brave face. I instructed Nina to lean against the car. Nina tripped back to our vehicle and leaned against the warm hood. At the same time, I took a step back and looked at her. She looked gorgeous in her outfit and turned me incredibly on at that moment. She looked so innocent in her gray cotton dress. I liked it. I had chosen that dress in particular, because it was the warmest piece of clothing among her other lingerie. Despite its unerotic cotton fabric, the dress looked absolutely sexy. It fitted snugly and conformed to the female contours of Nina's body. In spite of its decency, it was erotic, because it wasn't very long and covered Nina's butt only barely. In addition to the skinny mini dress, I had chosen black, fully-fashioned stockings. Their velvet fabric shimmered in the moonlight. To complete her outfit, she was wearing matt, black pumps. Her slutty shoes didn't fit at all to the forest soil and the surrounding greenery on the edge of the woods. Once again, she looked pretty slutty, which was entirely to my liking. I was so horny that I grabbed Nina by the arm and pulled her closer to me. Then we kissed intimately. Our tongue tips touched. I ran my hand over her hair. An intimate, pleasant feeling arouse. Nina and I became one. At the same time, we forgot everything around us for a moment. I even stepped things up and kneaded Nina's tits through her top. The cotton fabric was a bit itchy, her boobs, however, felt good to the touch. My hand moved under her dress and pressed her firm babylons. Touching her enormous tits was such a good feeling. They were heavy and lay comfortably in my hands. Nina closed her eyes and enjoyed my tender loving care. She still didn't know what I had planned. She was probably still of the opinion that it was exactly what I wanted here, that I wanted to make it with her outdoors, while she was wearing her lingerie, and that she was my birthday present that I had chosen myself, so to say. But it was far from it. I continued massaging Nina's tits. We kissed again and again. Then I grabbed her butt and kneaded her butt cheeks. I was mightily horny by then, and despite the increasing cold, Nina seemed to let her hair down more and more. The weather wasn't exactly ideal for outdoor dates, and the temperature had dropped considerably in the course of the evening. Furthermore, it was even colder here on the edge of the forest than in the warm circus tent or among the people in the city. But Nina didn't mind standing here in the cold. I pressed my stiff dick against her thigh. She felt it and pressed herself against it as well. Our game was gathering more and more speed. Nina moaned softly and let me caress her tits and her butt. I pulled her warming dress over her head, so that I could caress her boobs even better. Nina let it happen. Now she was merely wearing her lingerie, her pumps and her hold-ups. Her inner heat was obviously able to fight the cold. Nina was letting her hair down to enjoy my surprise.

Erlebnisberichte / Über 70 WAHRE CUCKOLD Geschichten
« am: November 17, 2019, 18:54:32 »
Mein Name ist Mark Wallert. Ich bin 37 Jahre alt und wohne in der Nähe von Wiesbaden. Ich bin sportlich, schlank und durchtrainiert. In meiner Freizeit spiele ich sehr gerne Fußball und Badminton, ich bin viel mit meinem Hund in der Natur unterwegs und mag es unter Freunden zu sein. Für Außenstehende bin ich ein ganz normaler Mann Mitte 30. Doch in mir schlummert schon viele Jahre eine sexuelle Neigung, die ich mehr und mehr gespürt und ausgelebt habe. Ich bin Cuckold, ein Mann dem der sexuelle Kontakt seiner eigenen Partnerin zu fremden Männern Lust bereitet.

In 7 Büchern möchte ich alle Leser an meinem Leben als Swinger, Wifesharer und Cuckold teilhaben lassen. Ich möchte von allen bedeutenden Erlebnissen der letzten 20 Jahre berichten. Es sind spannende, skurrile, witzige, überraschende, traurige, verrückte und vor allem erotische Begebenheiten in meinem Sexleben passiert. Mein Leben als Cuckold und Wifesharer hat mir schon so einige Momente beschert, die fernab der Norm sind. Davon möchte ich auf fast 500 Seiten ausführlich erzählen.

Die Bücherreihe gibt es auf Amazon unter dem Titel "Leidenschaft, die Leiden schafft"

Link zu Teil 1 gibt's hier:

Bilder von euch / Cuckold Buch veröffentlicht
« am: Januar 31, 2019, 16:30:16 »

Ich habe ein Buch über mein Leben als Wifesharer und Cuckold veröffentlicht.

Es beinhaltet meinen Werdegang vom sexhungrigen Teenie hin zum erfahrenen Cuckold.
Alle Stories sind 100% real und wahrheitsgetreu wiedergegeben.

Ich freue mich auf euer Feedback.

Cuckolds Nachrichten / Alle Cuckolderlebnisse niedergeschrieben
« am: Januar 31, 2019, 16:12:26 »
Ich habe in den vergangenen Monaten jede freie Minute genutzt und die besten Erlebnissen in meinem Leben als Swinger, Wifesharer und Cuckold niedergeschrieben.
Daraus entstanden sind 65 skurrile, spannende aber vor allem reale (!) Geschichten aus den letzten 20 Jahren.

Erlebnisberichte / Sarah soll als Pokerdealerin aushelfen
« am: Dezember 28, 2015, 12:58:22 »
Liebe Cuckold Gemeinde

Hier ein kleines Update von uns:

Bei uns ist einiges passiert die letzten Wochen. Sarah hatte ja in den letzten Jahren zahlreiche Erlebnisse mit anderen Männern. Gelegentlich haben wir hier und auf anderen Plattformen davon berichtet. Aufgrund mangelnden Interesses der Gemeinde haben wir jedoch unsere Bemühungen weitestgehend eingestellt Erlebtes zu posten.
Zuletzt hatte Sarah dann fast ausschließlich Treffen mit einem Bekannten, bzw Kollegen von ihr. Ihn trifft sie etwa 1x im Monat, mehr gibt beider Zeit leider nicht her. Die seltenen Treffen sind aber wirklich geil. Letztes Mal positionierte Sarah eine cam, so dass ich im Nachhinein genau miterleben konnte wie der Abend zwischen den beiden abgelaufen ist.
Er ist wirklich ein Glücksgriff für uns. Sarah findet ihr Superheiss, er kommt 1x im Monat etwa vorbei, weiß von mir, stellt keinerlei Ansprüche, ist gut im Bett und tatsächlich gebildet und niveauvoll.

Die neueste Idee von ihm war, dass Sarah mit zu einem seiner unregelmäßigen Pokerabende kommt... Als Dealerin. Sie hat es bei uns schonmal versucht weil wir sie gerne bei unseren Pokerabenden eingesetzt hätten. Sie hat es aber nicht verstanden und schnell entnervt aufgegeben. Jetzt (für Ihn) mag sie es aber nochmal lernen um dort für ihn und seine Freunde als Dealerin zu arbeiten.

Mein Traum (und Sarahs auch) wäre es natürlich, dass sie sexy gekleidet Karten gibt. Und irgendwann zu späterer Stunde soll der Abend eine Wendung bekommen. Es wäre geil wenn die Jungs mit zunehmendem Alkoholgehalt frecher und direkter werden würden. Und wenn einer sie mal berührt oder unterm Tisch anfängt zu streicheln. Das Ende vom Lied wäre, dass sie dann von den Teilnehmern angefasst, ausgezogen und gefickt wird....
Und was ich noch viel geiler fände:
Wenn Er eingeweiht wäre und es für ihn ok wäre wenn ich auch anwesend wäre. Natürlich würde ich mich neutral verhalten und keinem sagen dass ich Sarahs Freund bin. So könnte ich aber hautnah miterleben wie die Jungs sich langsam an Sarah rantasten und sie dann hoffentlich richtig durchnehmen....

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