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Autor Thema: Wendy's friend  (Gelesen 4019 mal)
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« am: November 25, 2010, 10:07:48 pm »

My wife and I have been married for 10 years. Wendy is 15 years younger than I am. I have had sexual problems on and off over the course of the marriage, and my sex drive is considerably lower than hers. I knew she was frustrated, but she was kind enough to not bring it up. Though it was hard for me, I felt bad about it, and did broach the subject with her. She insisted that it didn’t bother her, though when I pressed her, she admitted that at times she did experience frustration; that there were lots of times that she wanted to make love, but I wasn’t interested or able. Though I have always used alternative methods to please her (oral sex), she admitted that she missed the penetration of a man’s penis, and that she fantasized a lot about it. Over the course of the next 6 months we had many more discussions about this, and though she has always been a very conservative person in many ways, she admitted that at times she had thought about taking a lover. Since this was strictly on a fantasy level I didn’t feel in the least bit threatened, though we continued to discuss it. The more our discussions evolved, the more it became clear that she was feeling me out to see if this was something that I would actually permit. I had very mixed feelings about her “proposition” (at this point she had only insinuated her desire). I felt bad that she was not receiving the sexual gratification that I felt she was entitled to. After all, she was 35, at the height of her sexual needs and desires. After much soul searching, I decided that I didn’t really have the right to deny her what she badly wanted and needed, which was a man who could sweep her off her feet, romance her, and take her to bed assertively. Though it was I who was thinking about this possibility, it was actually she who made the suggestion to me, in very diplomatic, though no uncertain terms. I told her that I was open to the possibility, and that I was willing to listen to her thoughts on the matter. With some hesitation, she said that she was willing to be totally discrete about it, if that is what I was most comfortable with. She would pursue a sexual relationship with someone, but keep me out of in entirely. I had mixed feelings, but agreed that t it would be easier to deal with issues like jealousy if she kept things under wraps. I wondered if she already had someone in mind, or if she was already seeing someone. She assured me that she was not, though she was candid about the fact that it would not be difficult in the least to find someone to go to bed with. When I made it clear that I was willing to try this as a new arrangement, I sensed an excitement in her, though out of respect for my feelings, she tried to maintain a neutral attitude. Despite her sensitivity to my feelings, it was clear that she was happy about the possibilities that awaited her.
Over the next few months Wendy and I went about our lives as if nothing had changed, though I found myself constantly wondering about her love life. Had she found someone? Was she dating him? Was she sleeping with him? Though we had made an agreement that she would maintain her discretion, I was getting increasingly insecure. There were times when she would go out, dressed very attractively, and I would wonder if she were going out on a date. Eventually, she either picked up on my feelings, or shared some of my feelings of discomfort with the situation. As it turned out, she was in fact, dating a man. She decided to tell me this over a dinner in a very elegant restaurant. She was not apologetic about being candid with me. In fact, she told me that she thought that it was in both of our best interests if she told me the truth; that she had been sleeping with a gentleman for the past 6 months. She stroked my hand as she told me this, and was looking me straight in the eye and asked me if I was okay. She told me that she wanted to” involve” me more, and that that would be “good” for me. When I asked her what exactly she meant by that, she suggested that she tell me more about their activities together. I was quiet and respectful at that point, and she knew I was willing to listen.
He was someone she used to date before she met me; Single, available, and younger than her. Over the past 6 months they had been going out to lunch, dinner, and breakfast, when she had been telling me that she was going out to do work, meet with girlfriends, etc. They had begun having sex almost immediately after their first date. And she smiled as she told me that the sex was, in her words, “unbelievable.”
I felt numb as she told me this, though I was acutely aware of her fingers gently stroking my hand. Emerging from my numbness, I became increasingly aware of her incredible physical beauty, and the power of her sexuality. I heard her talking, but I wasn’t totally aware of what she was saying. I noticed her breasts, and the pretty white silk blouse that she was wearing. Much to my surprise, I also realized that I was getting aroused.
“Honey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine”…She could tell by my tone of voice that I wasn’t.
“Its good for me…being with him….I mean….being in bed with him. This is good for us. I mean for me and you. I think you just need to adjust.”
I was looking down at my coffee. I could hear the conversation in the room.
“Really sweetie, if you could be there with us, and see how happy it makes me. I know this is hard for you, but he’s so sweet, so attentive. This is what I’ve missed with you. It’s what I need. The intensity. The heat.”
I looked at her and felt an overwhelming love for her, and a renewed sense of physical attraction. My penis was throbbing.
Later that evening we were in the bedroom, and Wendy was getting undressed. She had removed her silk blouse and was sitting at her dressing table in a lovely white bra and panties.
“David, I’ve been thinking…maybe this would be easier for you if I involved you a bit more. I think it might help make you feel…..more…more… included.”
“I guess so. I don’t want to interfere with your love life. It seems so private.”
“You mean my sex life, don’t you? Well, you are my husband, and you are the most important one to me.”
I felt relieved when she said that. She knew what was preying on my mind.
“And you won’t be interfering at all. After all, I’m making all the decisions here. I’ll involve you as much or as little as I want. ”
Do you have any questions for me about him? You can ask me anything. Don’t be afraid to get personal. I’ll tell you if your question is off limits.”
In fact, I had many questions, and I didn’t know where to start.
“Well, why don’t you tell me about him? I’m really concerned that he doesn’t hurt you…that he treats you right.”
“He’s a total gentleman. I can assure you of that. He has a degree in Public Health, and he teaches at the University. He’s really smart, quite brilliant, actually. And he’s very handsome. I just melt when I see him. He’s a great cook, very athletic, and he’s a very outdoorsy guy. He skis, hikes, rockt climbs. Maybe you should meet him…I think I’d like that.”
I felt my stomach clenching.
“Well, I guess…I mean, I don’t want to make you…or him… feel uncomfortable….”
“Sweetie, I’ve already spoken with him about it. He said he’d like that very much. I think you’ll like him. He’s really a very lovely person. It’s really best if you meet him. After all, I have been fucking him for the past 8 months.”
Her language jolted me, and it immediately caused me to envision them embracing, naked, in bed. I was getting excited again, and my heart was hammering.
“David, we’re going to do this. I want you to meet him. It’s best for all of us. Let’s be adults about this.”
She had taken off her bra and still had on her panties. Her nipples were hard. I wondered if it was from talking about David or from the cool temperature in the room.
A week later I found myself busy in the kitchen. I was following my wife’s “suggestion” that I cook them dinner. A low-grade anxiety was dwelling in my belly. I had never met this man before, and I was acutely aware of the tension in having Wendy’s “friend” for the evening. They had a special bond that much I knew. It was more than just sexual, as Wendy could never sleep with someone that she didn’t trust, someone who she was fond of and admired. I felt apprehensive. I felt that I could never compete with this man who was regularly taking my wife to bed and satisfying her in a way that I was unable to. While I was cooking and setting the table, Wendy was getting ready for her date. She was in the shower when I heard her calling me. I was to help her get ready for him. She had told me that earlier, in no uncertain terms. She was getting out of the shower, dripping wet, when I entered our bathroom.
“Honey, how’s dinner going?”
“OK. Everything’s under control, I guess.”
She could tell I was nervous. I began drying her, starting at her legs. The black hair, thick between her legs.
“Put some lotion on me. Sweetie, I know this is hard for you. You’ll just have to adjust. You’ll enjoy it. You’ll see. Trust me. I know what’s best for you…what’s best for us. Get my panties for me…in my dresser. They’re black, with lace. You haven’t seen them before. And the bra will be there with it. That’s a good boy.”
I felt like I was in a trance, following her directions, moving without thinking. When I found the panties I realized that she had purchased them for tonight…for him. I handed them to her and without realizing it, I was staring at her breasts.
“Don’t stare at me! You act like you’ve never seen my breasts before. You’re not touching them tonight anyway, so don’t get your hopes up. “
Wendy put the panties on and I gave her the matching bra. She put it around her and fastened it in front of her around her waist, before pulling it up, along with the straps, so that it covered her breasts.
“Do you think he’ll like it? I mean my underwear? I bought it especially for him you know.”
She was teasing me, knowing that it was inflaming me…stoking my arousal and jealousy simultaneously.
My eyes were down, looking at the floor. She stroked my face.
“I know how hard this is for you darling, but we’ll go slow for you. Okay? Trust me. You’ll like this. Be a good boy and finish making dinner. Oh. And make sure we have clean sheets on the bed and that the guest bedroom is fixed up for you…just in case. ”
I felt a panic in the pit of my stomach. I felt that things were moving out of control, and I struggled to keep myself from falling apart.
An hour later the doorbell rang while I was in the kitchen and Wendy answered it. I heard them talking but felt I should stay in my place until she decided otherwise.
“David, come into the living-room. I want you to meet Peter.”
My heart was pounding. He was wearing a suit…gorgeous, tall, with an athlete’s physique. Wendy was glowing, like a teenaged girl, looking spectacular in her gray wool skirt, white silk blouse, white pantyhose and pearls. She introduced us and he shook my hand. I wasn’t sure about his smile. Was he amused with me? Happy to show his dominance over me? Was he happy to humiliate me? Or all of the above?
“You have a lovely wife David. You’re a very lucky man.”
The two of them looked knowingly at each other. Obviously they had a discussion before our get together. She slipped her arm around his waist and kissed him. I felt embarrassed and looked away.
“Darling, why don’t you get us some wine?”
When I returned with the wine they were embracing as if I weren’t there. He was kissing her on the neck. Her sensitive spot. I just stood there frozen. They were unaware of me. Until she looked up at, locking a gaze with me, unashamed of what she was doing.
“Just put the wine on the table. Sit with us, David. I’d like you to join us for a while.”
For a while…I instantly tried to extrapolate the meaning of that. My role was becoming clear in this situation. I was submissive, serving her…serving them. They seemed very comfortable with the situation, which took me a bit by surprise. I wasn’t comfortable, at all. I was on edge, unsure as to what their plans were, or if they had any plans at all. Perhaps they were just improvising. But there was no deception or pretense. Wendy and David were the couple. I was the “just” the husband.
I sat down with them, me in an upholstered chair, and the 2 of them looking very comfortable with each other on the couch, sipping their wine. I wanted to look at my wife’s breasts, but I knew that I shouldn’t. She belonged to him, and I knew that it would be inappropriate, or so I assumed. They held hands as we talked, and I knew that she was putting on a show for my benefit. They were sitting so close together that her left breast was pushing against his chest. I knew he could feel the heat coming from her breast. I didn’t have any wine, because she had invited me to sit down before I could pour any for myself.
“Why don’t you put dinner on the table…I think we’re ready, David.”
“It’s ready. Why don’t we just sit down and I’ll serve you?”
I was eager to please her…afraid not to for fear of the consequences. They sat down and I began serving. By the time I joined them at the table, they were engrossed in each other, ignoring my attempts to enter the conversation. She obviously loved his company, and I felt consumed by jealousy, but helpless to do anything about it. I was feeling increasingly like a little boy. They held hands at the table, and periodically kissed. I cleared the table as they got increasingly amorous with each other. She was giggling…giddy with the situation.
“David, get us some more wine while you clean up, will you? Be a dear.”
She kissed me on the tip of the nose as they returned to the living room. I cleared the dishes, and as I moved to rejoin them I could sense that they were in a private moment. As I entered the living room I realized that they were in a heated embrace, kissing deeply on the couch. Peter had his hand up my wife’s skirt and she was obviously turned on. When she saw me I startled, as she looked at me unapologetically. Peter tried to remove his hand from between her legs, but she caught him by the wrist and stopped him.
“I want him to see this, Peter. He needs to see. It will be good for him. He and I talked about this, and we both agreed to it.” She turned her attention to me. “Are the dishes done, sweetie?”
When I nodded in the affirmative, she said, “Good. Now Peter and I need some privacy. You can go to your bedroom or the office upstairs, but we need some privacy. I’ll call you when we’re ready for you. But first, I’d like you to turn down the covers in the master bedroom…and dim the lights.”
“Honey, can we talk privately for a minute? Please?” I implored to her.
She looked annoyed but told Peter she’d be back in a minute.
She took me into our large master bathroom and was clearly annoyed with me.
“Look. This is something we agreed to. I’m taking Peter to bed tonight. Don’t worry, David, I’ll take care of you. Take off your pants.”
I followed her directions.
“And your boxers as well.”
“Just as I thought. You’re hard as a rockt. Your little dick is hard, isn’t it? This is exciting you… seeing the two of us together… isn’t it?”
Her hand went to my cock.
“I knew it. You like this, don’t you?”
I nodded my head affirmatively. She was stroking me gently. I was silent…aching for release. My cock hurt from excitement. Abruptly, she took her hand away.
I’ll tell you what. I’m sleeping with him tonight…here… in our bed. And you’re going to listen. I want you to hear what it is for me to be satisfied…completely. I want you to see what he does to me, David. I want you to feel for yourself.”
With that, she took my hand and directed it up her skirt and between her legs. She pressed it against her crotch, and though she was wearing panties and pantyhose, she felt like a furnace. Her pantyhose were wet.
“You see what he does to me? This is what it’s always like. Now you’re going to follow all my directions tonight. Or you’ll be punished accordingly. Do you understand? And I don’t want you playing with yourself. If you do, there will be consequences. Understand?”
I nodded in agreement.
“Now I want you to set my nightgown on the bed. The short silk one. And the panties that go with it. There are some condoms in my purse. Put them by the bed for us. And the massage oil that I just bought. I want some scented candles too. Okay?”
My head was spinning. I had wanted to voice some concerns to her. Everything was moving so quickly. But I felt paralyzed. Unable to speak…and I felt compelled to follow her directions. Some deep part of me wanted all of this, though I dreaded it at the same time. Despite all my fears, my excitement was at an apogee.
“Now put your clothes back on and get busy. I don’t want to leave Peter waiting.”
In my hopeless attempt to sort things out and regain my equilibrium, one thing stood out starkly. Wendy’s tone had changed dramatically. She had moved from being soft and supportive to assertive to dominant in the course of a couple hours. Without giving it more thought I began moving, and I decided that I would support Wendy in this endeavor to the best of my ability. I wanted to make her happy, despite my mixed emotions.
The two of them were in the living room, though the house was silent. Our bedroom was immaculate. I had seen to that earlier. Without hesitation, I found her nightie, along with the bottoms, in her dresser drawer. Lovingly, I laid them out on the bed. Her purse presented a problem, because it was in the living room, and I didn’t want to disturb them. I was unsure of the rules of the “game.” But instinct told me that I shouldn’t interrupt two people during such an intimate moment. Another part of me wanted, or needed to see. I very quietly walked into the living room. They were still on the couch, but at this point they were very heatedly necking. I froze and watched my heart hammering.
She sensed me there, stopped and faced me. Peter’s face was still buried in her neck. He was oblivious to me. It was so obvious that she had told him not to worry…that I would be alright with all this.
“Sweetie, my purse is in the kitchen. Okay? Be a good boy and take care of things…go ahead.”
She made no move to stop Peter from kissing her neck. His hand was cupping her left breast through her blouse. She stroked his hair, tilted his head up and began kissing him full on the mouth. I fetched her purse in the kitchen and walked past them into the bedroom. Following her directions, I took the condoms from her purse and put them on the nightstand. The massage oil was placed next to it and I lit a few candles that on our headboard.
By the time I returned to the living room, my wife had her blouse open in the front and Peter had his hands inside it. I could hear them kissing, and the occasional groan was punctuating their lovemaking. Peter’s shirt had been pulled out of his pants. I was awed. Never in my life had I witnessed this event, and my erection throbbed in my pants. The uncertainty was also heightening the experience for me. I didn’t know what was going to happen…what my role would be. Her voice snapped me back to the moment.
“David, take my shoes off and put them in the closet. Help me take off my blouse.”
With my heart in my throat I approached her and gently helped her with the blouse. Peter was smiling at me, obviously amused. Wendy’s upper chest and neck had a scarlet color to it, evidence of how turned on she was. I could see her nipples through her bra.
“Now be a good boy and hang it up.”
When I returned, she was unbuttoning Peter’s shirt and peeling it back, revealing a very muscular, very hairy chest.
“Isn’t he beautiful, honey? I want you to see something. I want you to see what makes me so happy.”
With that, she began unbuckling his belt, undoing his pants, and unzipping him. As I watched in amazement, my wife completely unzipped him, reached her hand in, and extricated an enormous penis, completely erect, the shiny black pubic hair forming a perfect nest around it. She wrapped her hand around it with such incredible gentleness, such reverence; I was absolutely moved by the scene.
She looked me in the eye, and in a whisper, said, “You see? You see what I love about him? You see how hard he is? And I didn’t even have to touch him.” She was obviously proud of the fact.
Peter was lying back on the couch. His chest exposed, framed by his white dress shirt. Wearing just her black lace bra, skirt, and pearls, my beautiful wife slowly lowered her head and took him into her mouth, silently, for the briefest and most excruciatingly delicious moment. She had him in a trance.
Her tone became more aggressive with me in an instant as I gazed at his penis, glistening with my wife’s saliva.
“Take his pants and shorts off and take care of them. Hang the pants in our closet and fold his underpants. Then run a bath for us. Make it hot, and put in some bubble-bath.”
Peter lifted himself as I pulled at his pants. The boxers came off with them, and his erection sprung up as if had a string pulling it up from the tip. It was truly magnificent, and I was humbled by its presence, knowing the effect it was having on Wendy. I took his clothes, leaving him in his dress shirt, and dealt with properly. Once in the bathroom, I turned on the tap in the tub, adding her favorite bubble bath. I could hear them giggling while they made love in the living room. When I rejoined them (I was getting increasingly accustomed to the situation) Peter was naked, his shirt on the floor, Wendy’s pantyhose were on the arm of the sofa and she was naked from the waist up. Her lovely black bra, a mere silken shadow on the floor. When she became aware of me she covered her breasts with her arms.
“What are you looking at? I didn’t give you permission to look at me. Get me my robe. And get a robe for Peter.” Her tone was bitchy.
I fetched them the robes, giving Peter mine. Wendy stood up, and had Peter unzip her skirt from behind. Wiggling it down her hips, she bent down to pick it up. I immediately cast my eyes down, not wanting to get her angry.
“Look at me! Like what you see? Too bad, because you’re not touching me at all tonight. “
I looked up at her at her nakedness, in just her panties. Her full breasts at attention, nipples erect. Her black pubic hair visible through the lace. I handed her the robe.
“Now go to your room until I call you. We’ll be in the bathroom…and remember what I told you about touching yourself!”
I retreated to my room as she led him to the bathroom by his penis. I could hear the bathroom door being closed. I was engulfed by grief and excitement. I had a tremendous erection, though I didn’t dare touch it, being uncertain of the consequences. Laughter filtered through the house…Wendy’s laughter…deep throated and sexual. I managed to calm myself, and listened to their voices through the bathroom door. My name was being called.
“David! Come in here! We need you!”
Once at the bathroom door, I knocked, tentatively.
“Come in David. Don’t be shy.”
I entered, and saw them sitting facing each other in the tub. Wendy, bare breasted, David with his sculpted body. The bathroom was steamy, their robes hanging on the back of the door.
“Bring us our wine, darling, will you? Be a dear.”
She leaned forward to kiss him, her hand under the water in his lap.
I hadn’t moved yet, transfixed by the scene.
Coming up for breath, without opening her eyes, she spoke to me.
“Do you like this David? Do you like to watch us?”
I was silent…I knew her question was rhetorical.
“Peter, play with my breasts for David. Wash them for me. I think he’ll like that.”
Peter still seemed a bit hesitant at that point, so Wendy, without further ado, placed his soapy hands on her breasts. Without further provocation, he began gently soaping and massaging them. Taken by the sensation, my wife bent forward, and they engaged in a deep, loving kiss. She was moaning. I noticed her hand moving in his lap, under the water, and could see the tip of his cock as she gently masturbated him. I had an unbearable erection, but my mind was a bundle of contradictory thoughts and emotions. I didn’t know if I was angry, excited, jealous, or gripped by fear. Not knowing what I was supposed to do only magnified my torment. Despite my excitement, I was feeling uncomfortable intruding on this intimate moment, and began moving out of the bathroom, hoping I could escape to the safety of the guest bedroom. Her voice made me freeze in my tracks.
“Aren’t you enjoying this, David, or is this difficult for you? I thought my little boy would be happy to be here with me.”
I was silent, feeling ashamed of the subservient role she had placed me in.
“Don’t go away yet, David, I want you to stay for a while. I’m enjoying myself, and I want you to see. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. You’ll have to, you know.”
At this point she acted as if I weren’t even in the bathroom with them. Speaking to him in a husky, sex-infused tone of voice, she said to him,” I want you inside me. I want you in me.”
She rotated herself around in the tub and adroitly began lowering herself onto his lap. Though I couldn’t see exactly what was happening under her, I new that his erection was sliding inside her. She exhaled a slow, deeply satisfied breath.
Honey, we need some privacy. Go to your room now. That’s right. Be a dear.”
I walked out meekly, feeling like a dog with its tail between its legs. Their groans were clearly audible through the door, which I closed out of respect for their privacy. Once in the guest bedroom, I was terribly uncomfortable. I left my door ajar, and listened to the sounds of their lovemaking, and despite my emotional turmoil, I had a terribly painful erection. Wendy was quite clear about not touching myself, which was adding to my agony, but I just had to at least hold it. I heard them laughing and talking, and I wondered if they had finished. Without even being conscious, I realized that my hand was moving back and forth on myself, and I came, voluminously. It covered my belly and there were stripes of sperm on my chest. I heard the toilet flush, footsteps, and Wendy’s form appeared in the doorway. I knew I was in trouble. She was in her robe, naked underneath.
Her voice was soothing, sugary, and still husky from sex.
“Sweetie, are you okay?” She sat down on the bed next to me and put her hand on my chest. Rather than being surprised or angry she seemed understanding that I had given myself relief. She actually played with my sperm.
“Was this too much for my little man? Listening to us and seeing us in the bathtub? I knew this would excite you, but you didn’t follow my directions, did you? You had to play with your little cock.” Her tone was unmistakenly bitchy. I nodded silently. She too a sperm coated finger and touched the tip of my nose. Emboldened by my submissiveness, she dipped her finger in more of my emission and began painting my face with it, eventually feeding me my own sperm.
“How does that taste? Do you like that? That’s a good boy” Her tone was so soothing. “I’m going to have to help you control yourself better David. I can’t just have you jacking off whenever you damned well please.” She was feeding me the last of my sperm as she talked. “I’ll figure something out, I can assure you of that. Now, Peter and I are going to bed. I’ll expect a nice breakfast in the morning, okay darling?”
She walked out, and I felt myself move into subspace, eventually drifting off to sleep.
Fortunately I awoke in time to prepare breakfast for my wife and Peter. They awoke in the best of humor due to their morning affections, and came to the breakfast table in their bedclothes. Wendy wore her white, plain panties, under an oversized white shirt of mine, with no bra. As she bent over to get butter for her toast her shirt gaped open, exposing a sweet breast and nipple. Seeing her like this, Peter was moved to bend forward and kiss her. Peter was in an oversized white robe of mine. It all seemed so natural…so peaceful. I served them breakfast in my pajamas.
We didn’t see Peter for another week, and we went about our lives without speaking much about our new arrangement. Wendy moved into a more dominant role, evidenced by subtle things, comments she would make. Sexually things changed. She was unconcerned about me sexually, but made sexual demands on me nonetheless. Her orgasms became a priority, while she deliberately denied me mine. I became frustrated and in a constant state of arousal. One morning, in desperation, I was masturbating in the bathroom when she walked in.
“Well, isn’t this special?” her tone was authoritative, condescending, and maternal. “Did I give you permission to do this? Did I give you permission to cum? You’re not to touch yourself without my permission, you know. Now get dressed. I have some chores for you to do.”
She left the bathroom with the door open, and me red faced with shame and embarrassment. But I did as I was told, frustrated beyond belief. When I left the bathroom I heard her calling me. telling me to come into the bedroom to help her. She was in her underwear, which wasn’t helping me in my state of frustration and confusion. I could see her nipples through her bra, and her dark triangle through her panties.

It was maybe one month later that Wendy told me that she and Peter were taking a trip. We were driving to a doctor’s appointment for her. Her gynecologist, to be exact. She could tell I was crestfallen.
“Don’t be such a grump about this David. We just feel like we’d like to spend a little time alone. You know how it is with lovers. We’d like some time to recharge our ‘sexual batteries’. “
I was at a loss for words, but struggled to articulate my feelings.
“I know, Wendy, but I never thought you’d take a trip and leave me alone. That’s not fair.”
“I’ll phone you every day. I promise you that. I want you to know that I’m alright. I understand you feel bad about this, but I deserve this. Peter and I have been talking about this for months, and we need the time together…alone. You can help me get ready for the trip. I’ll make it fun for you, trust me.
“But you and Peter have sex all the time already? Why do you need time alone?” I was afraid I was pleading with her.
“Do you really want to talk about this? Honestly, David, I’m not sure if you can handle it. Some things are better left unsaid. “
I wasn’t sure I could handle what she was going to tell me, but I was sure that I had to know. I could not deal with not knowing.
“I want to know. I need to know this, Wendy. Its not fair to keep me in the dark.”
“Well, I suppose its not that big of a deal. The fact is, dear husband, that when he and I make love without you being around, we’re more unrestrained, and do different things. And I enjoy that. I enjoy that a lot. Does that bother you? You’re blushing, so maybe that’s a good sign. Take off your pants. I want to see your cock.”
I obeyed without thinking. I could feel the cool air on my exposed penis.
“Just as I thought. Your little erection always gives you away. I think you like the thought of me and Peter taking a trip. Now, back to the subject of your penis. Have you been playing with it? Your little cock?”
“Yes, I have, but…” She cut me off.
“You know what I told you about that. I don’t approve of you masturbating unless I’ve given you permission. Come into the bedroom with me. I have something for you, because you’ve been a bad boy.
I followed her into the bedroom, with just my shirt on, naked from the waist down. Out of her dresser drawer she took a curved plastic device with a tiny lock on it.
“This is your new ‘friend’ David. Do you know what it is? It’s a chastity device. You won’t be able to get erections when you wear it, and you certainly won’t be able to touch yourself. That’s a disgusting little habit you have.”
She had me sit on the toilet with the lid closed while she locked me in for the first time. It took about 15 minutes.
“From now on, I will tell you when you can touch yourself, and when you can have an orgasm. I on the other hand, have all the sexual freedom I want. I rather like this arrangement.”
Though I was shocked, I remained silent. My cock was trapped in a plastic prison.
“Don’’t worry. It won’t prevent you from performing your daily functions. You’ll just have to sit down to pee. Just like a little girl. Won’t you like that? Now I need your to help me finished getting dressed. You’ll also have to help with the arrangements for our trip. You’ll have some phoning to do. We’ll need a hotel room, a car…and we’re not saving any expense. You can put this on your credit card. Not mine. You’re paying for everything. I think that’s only fitting. Now get me my black skirt and the black pantyhose that Peter bought for me. And get me my birth control pill for today. They’re in my purse.
Wendy had long ago denied me intercourse with her, simply telling me that it wasn’t worth the effort on her part, and that she was tired of my “lack of virility”, as she so diplomatically put it. Months ago she had taken me into her study to have a special talk with me. It was about birth control, in light of her new relationship with Peter.
“We have to have a talk, David”, she said, after she had me bring her a brandy in a large crystal snifter. I know this may be hard for you, but its only fair that I be on the up and up with you. I shall have to get graphic, but there’s really no way around it. You know how sexually active I’ve been with my new “friend” and we must be extremely careful. She emphasized the work “careful.” He and I have talked this out. So far, David and I have been using condoms when we have intercourse. I’ve been buying the thicker kind to avoid any accidents. But I didn’t think it was fair to him. We both wanted to feel closer to each other.”
I interrupted her.
“How much closer can you get?” I felt sick even asking the question.
“I’m trying to be a bit delicate here David. I wanted his bare penis inside me. Look at me when we’re talking, please. I wanted him to feel my cunt. Its heat and wetness. And I wanted to feel him spurting inside me while we fucked. Is that clear enough for you? “ She was annoyed with me, though I wasn’t sure why. “ David got tested for everything 6 months ago, and he got a clean bill of health. No STD’s, no AID’s, nothing. We have a totally monogamous relationship. So he and I went to the gynecologist. He even watched me getting examined. That was a hoot. Dr. Jamison referred to Peter as my husband. You should have seen his face when I told him he wasn’t! Anyway, I started taking the pill last week, so in 2 weeks we can start fucking like normal people. I love it when he comes, but I’m desperate to feel him spurt inside me.”
I was aware of the erection in my pants, and I had to shift my position and reach down to extricate it from the folds of my clothes. This did not go unnoticed by my ever perceptive wife. She was grinning.
“Is this too much for you? She said in a most playful tone. “ Look, I’m sorry, but you have a right to know this stuff David. I still love you, you know. Your sexual inadequacies don’t diminish that at all. You have other qualities that I enjoy that make me want to keep you around. ” She took my hand and stroked it sweetly. I felt somewhat better. “But I love my romance with Peter and I simply adore the sex. It is so intense, and so relaxing, and we just can’t keep our hands off each other!” She was positively gleeful when she said it. “Now get my purse for me, if you’d be so kind. Its in the kitchen.” I fetched it dutifully, admiring the elegant tan suede. .
“Now I’m going out, and I won’t be back until this evening. Late. I left you a list of chores I want you to do. I have some soiled panties and pantyhose. Pay special attention to the crotch. Wash them by hand for me. And hang them to dry in your bathroom. Not mine. I’ll phone you later.”
With that she left the house. I heard her BMW start and the car pull out of the garage and away from the house. I felt empty.
When she returned after dinner, she seemed happy and relaxed, though business-like in her treatment of me.
“David, I need you to put some things in my bag for me. I’m staying a Peter’s cottage for the weekend. The weather’s supposed to be lovely.” Peter had a cottage, very private, on Martha’s Vineyard.
“I need my white 2 piece bathing suit, some nice shorts, and I bought some new panties, you’ll find them in the trunk of the car. We went shopping while you were cleaning the house today. “ Her tone was sunny while she ignored my gloomy mood. I decided to be a good houseboy though as I went about gathering up her things and following her directions.
“We ate lunch at a lovely café. You should have seen it. It was very romantic!” She was not unaware of my mood and grew solicitous. “Don’t feel bad darling. You should be happy for me.”
“I don’t want you to go away with him. Please don’t leave. Aren’t there some kind of arrangements we could make?”
“What, you mean to take you with? Well, I could talk with Peter. You’d have to have your own room you know. That might actually be rather amusing. I’ll talk with Peter, but I don’t want to spoil his trip by having you around. He and I will talk it over dinner. He’s picking me up at six. “ She didn’t miss a beat, which frankly, amazed me.
“I also need a pretty dress for the evening. Pick out something nice for me, will you? Something that shows off my figure. He’s fond of that black one you just bought for me. And put some pearls in a jewelry bag. I’m goint out for a bit. I’ll expect that all my things are packed up when I get back.”
With that, my wonderful wife left the house. I completed the chores she had given me, wondering where she had gone, and fretting over a night alone while she and her boyfriend went out for dinner. More anxiety was layered on as I had no clue as to their plans after dinner, or for the evening. I was aware that my status in our marriage had totally shifted, though my adaptation to it was so gradual it had an organic, or natural feeling to it. There were elements that I hated about it, but those very elements lent themselves to a feeling of gratitude and excitement to me. I reflected on the changes that our marriage had gone through over the last year. Resigned to my new role as houseboy and cuckold, I decided to take a nap in the guest bedroom, wondering when my wonderful wife would return, and what else she would have in store for me.

My wife and I have been married for 10 years. Wendy is 15 years younger than I am. I have had sexual problems on and off over the course of the marriage, and my sex drive is considerably lower than hers. I knew she was frustrated, but she was kind enough to not bring it up. Though it was hard for me, I felt bad about it, and did broach the subject with her. She insisted that it didn’t bother her, though when I pressed her, she admitted that at times she did experience frustration; that there were lots of times that she wanted to make love, but I wasn’t interested or able. Though I have always used alternative methods to please her (oral sex), she admitted that she missed the penetration of a man’s penis, and that she fantasized a lot about it. Over the course of the next 6 months we had many more discussions about this, and though she has always been a very conservative person in many ways, she admitted that at times she had thought about taking a lover. Since this was strictly on a fantasy level I didn’t feel in the least bit threatened, though we continued to discuss it. The more our discussions evolved, the more it became clear that she was feeling me out to see if this was something that I would actually permit. I had very mixed feelings about her “proposition” (at this point she had only insinuated her desire). I felt bad that she was not receiving the sexual gratification that I felt she was entitled to. After all, she was 35, at the height of her sexual needs and desires. After much soul searching, I decided that I didn’t really have the right to deny her what she badly wanted and needed, which was a man who could sweep her off her feet, romance her, and take her to bed assertively. Though it was I who was thinking about this possibility, it was actually she who made the suggestion to me, in very diplomatic, though no uncertain terms. I told her that I was open to the possibility, and that I was willing to listen to her thoughts on the matter. With some hesitation, she said that she was willing to be totally discrete about it, if that is what I was most comfortable with. She would pursue a sexual relationship with someone, but keep me out of in entirely. I had mixed feelings, but agreed that t it would be easier to deal with issues like jealousy if she kept things under wraps. I wondered if she already had someone in mind, or if she was already seeing someone. She assured me that she was not, though she was candid about the fact that it would not be difficult in the least to find someone to go to bed with. When I made it clear that I was willing to try this as a new arrangement, I sensed an excitement in her, though out of respect for my feelings, she tried to maintain a neutral attitude. Despite her sensitivity to my feelings, it was clear that she was happy about the possibilities that awaited her.
Over the next few months Wendy and I went about our lives as if nothing had changed, though I found myself constantly wondering about her love life. Had she found someone? Was she dating him? Was she sleeping with him? Though we had made an agreement that she would maintain her discretion, I was getting increasingly insecure. There were times when she would go out, dressed very attractively, and I would wonder if she were going out on a date. Eventually, she either picked up on my feelings, or shared some of my feelings of discomfort with the situation. As it turned out, she was in fact, dating a man. She decided to tell me this over a dinner in a very elegant restaurant. She was not apologetic about being candid with me. In fact, she told me that she thought that it was in both of our best interests if she told me the truth; that she had been sleeping with a gentleman for the past 6 months. She stroked my hand as she told me this, and was looking me straight in the eye and asked me if I was okay. She told me that she wanted to” involve” me more, and that that would be “good” for me. When I asked her what exactly she meant by that, she suggested that she tell me more about their activities together. I was quiet and respectful at that point, and she knew I was willing to listen.
He was someone she used to date before she met me; Single, available, and younger than her. Over the past 6 months they had been going out to lunch, dinner, and breakfast, when she had been telling me that she was going out to do work, meet with girlfriends, etc. They had begun having sex almost immediately after their first date. And she smiled as she told me that the sex was, in her words, “unbelievable.”
I felt numb as she told me this, though I was acutely aware of her fingers gently stroking my hand. Emerging from my numbness, I became increasingly aware of her incredible physical beauty, and the power of her sexuality. I heard her talking, but I wasn’t totally aware of what she was saying. I noticed her breasts, and the pretty white silk blouse that she was wearing. Much to my surprise, I also realized that I was getting aroused.
“Honey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine”…She could tell by my tone of voice that I wasn’t.
“Its good for me…being with him….I mean….being in bed with him. This is good for us. I mean for me and you. I think you just need to adjust.”
I was looking down at my coffee. I could hear the conversation in the room.
“Really sweetie, if you could be there with us, and see how happy it makes me. I know this is hard for you, but he’s so sweet, so attentive. This is what I’ve missed with you. It’s what I need. The intensity. The heat.”
I looked at her and felt an overwhelming love for her, and a renewed sense of physical attraction. My penis was throbbing.
Later that evening we were in the bedroom, and Wendy was getting undressed. She had removed her silk blouse and was sitting at her dressing table in a lovely white bra and panties.
“David, I’ve been thinking…maybe this would be easier for you if I involved you a bit more. I think it might help make you feel…..more…more… included.”
“I guess so. I don’t want to interfere with your love life. It seems so private.”
“You mean my sex life, don’t you? Well, you are my husband, and you are the most important one to me.”
I felt relieved when she said that. She knew what was preying on my mind.
“And you won’t be interfering at all. After all, I’m making all the decisions here. I’ll involve you as much or as little as I want. ”
Do you have any questions for me about him? You can ask me anything. Don’t be afraid to get personal. I’ll tell you if your question is off limits.”
In fact, I had many questions, and I didn’t know where to start.
“Well, why don’t you tell me about him? I’m really concerned that he doesn’t hurt you…that he treats you right.”
“He’s a total gentleman. I can assure you of that. He has a degree in Public Health, and he teaches at the University. He’s really smart, quite brilliant, actually. And he’s very handsome. I just melt when I see him. He’s a great cook, very athletic, and he’s a very outdoorsy guy. He skis, hikes, rockt climbs. Maybe you should meet him…I think I’d like that.”
I felt my stomach clenching.
“Well, I guess…I mean, I don’t want to make you…or him… feel uncomfortable….”
“Sweetie, I’ve already spoken with him about it. He said he’d like that very much. I think you’ll like him. He’s really a very lovely person. It’s really best if you meet him. After all, I have been fucking him for the past 8 months.”
Her language jolted me, and it immediately caused me to envision them embracing, naked, in bed. I was getting excited again, and my heart was hammering.
“David, we’re going to do this. I want you to meet him. It’s best for all of us. Let’s be adults about this.”
She had taken off her bra and still had on her panties. Her nipples were hard. I wondered if it was from talking about David or from the cool temperature in the room.
A week later I found myself busy in the kitchen. I was following my wife’s “suggestion” that I cook them dinner. A low-grade anxiety was dwelling in my belly. I had never met this man before, and I was acutely aware of the tension in having Wendy’s “friend” for the evening. They had a special bond that much I knew. It was more than just sexual, as Wendy could never sleep with someone that she didn’t trust, someone who she was fond of and admired. I felt apprehensive. I felt that I could never compete with this man who was regularly taking my wife to bed and satisfying her in a way that I was unable to. While I was cooking and setting the table, Wendy was getting ready for her date. She was in the shower when I heard her calling me. I was to help her get ready for him. She had told me that earlier, in no uncertain terms. She was getting out of the shower, dripping wet, when I entered our bathroom.
“Honey, how’s dinner going?”
“OK. Everything’s under control, I guess.”
She could tell I was nervous. I began drying her, starting at her legs. The black hair, thick between her legs.
“Put some lotion on me. Sweetie, I know this is hard for you. You’ll just have to adjust. You’ll enjoy it. You’ll see. Trust me. I know what’s best for you…what’s best for us. Get my panties for me…in my dresser. They’re black, with lace. You haven’t seen them before. And the bra will be there with it. That’s a good boy.”
I felt like I was in a trance, following her directions, moving without thinking. When I found the panties I realized that she had purchased them for tonight…for him. I handed them to her and without realizing it, I was staring at her breasts.
“Don’t stare at me! You act like you’ve never seen my breasts before. You’re not touching them tonight anyway, so don’t get your hopes up. “
Wendy put the panties on and I gave her the matching bra. She put it around her and fastened it in front of her around her waist, before pulling it up, along with the straps, so that it covered her breasts.
“Do you think he’ll like it? I mean my underwear? I bought it especially for him you know.”
She was teasing me, knowing that it was inflaming me…stoking my arousal and jealousy simultaneously.
My eyes were down, looking at the floor. She stroked my face.
“I know how hard this is for you darling, but we’ll go slow for you. Okay? Trust me. You’ll like this. Be a good boy and finish making dinner. Oh. And make sure we have clean sheets on the bed and that the guest bedroom is fixed up for you…just in case. ”
I felt a panic in the pit of my stomach. I felt that things were moving out of control, and I struggled to keep myself from falling apart.
An hour later the doorbell rang while I was in the kitchen and Wendy answered it. I heard them talking but felt I should stay in my place until she decided otherwise.
“David, come into the living-room. I want you to meet Peter.”
My heart was pounding. He was wearing a suit…gorgeous, tall, with an athlete’s physique. Wendy was glowing, like a teenaged girl, looking spectacular in her gray wool skirt, white silk blouse, white pantyhose and pearls. She introduced us and he shook my hand. I wasn’t sure about his smile. Was he amused with me? Happy to show his dominance over me? Was he happy to humiliate me? Or all of the above?
“You have a lovely wife David. You’re a very lucky man.”
The two of them looked knowingly at each other. Obviously they had a discussion before our get together. She slipped her arm around his waist and kissed him. I felt embarrassed and looked away.
“Darling, why don’t you get us some wine?”
When I returned with the wine they were embracing as if I weren’t there. He was kissing her on the neck. Her sensitive spot. I just stood there frozen. They were unaware of me. Until she looked up at, locking a gaze with me, unashamed of what she was doing.
“Just put the wine on the table. Sit with us, David. I’d like you to join us for a while.”
For a while…I instantly tried to extrapolate the meaning of that. My role was becoming clear in this situation. I was submissive, serving her…serving them. They seemed very comfortable with the situation, which took me a bit by surprise. I wasn’t comfortable, at all. I was on edge, unsure as to what their plans were, or if they had any plans at all. Perhaps they were just improvising. But there was no deception or pretense. Wendy and David were the couple. I was the “just” the husband.
I sat down with them, me in an upholstered chair, and the 2 of them looking very comfortable with each other on the couch, sipping their wine. I wanted to look at my wife’s breasts, but I knew that I shouldn’t. She belonged to him, and I knew that it would be inappropriate, or so I assumed. They held hands as we talked, and I knew that she was putting on a show for my benefit. They were sitting so close together that her left breast was pushing against his chest. I knew he could feel the heat coming from her breast. I didn’t have any wine, because she had invited me to sit down before I could pour any for myself.
“Why don’t you put dinner on the table…I think we’re ready, David.”
“It’s ready. Why don’t we just sit down and I’ll serve you?”
I was eager to please her…afraid not to for fear of the consequences. They sat down and I began serving. By the time I joined them at the table, they were engrossed in each other, ignoring my attempts to enter the conversation. She obviously loved his company, and I felt consumed by jealousy, but helpless to do anything about it. I was feeling increasingly like a little boy. They held hands at the table, and periodically kissed. I cleared the table as they got increasingly amorous with each other. She was giggling…giddy with the situation.
“David, get us some more wine while you clean up, will you? Be a dear.”
She kissed me on the tip of the nose as they returned to the living room. I cleared the dishes, and as I moved to rejoin them I could sense that they were in a private moment. As I entered the living room I realized that they were in a heated embrace, kissing deeply on the couch. Peter had his hand up my wife’s skirt and she was obviously turned on. When she saw me I startled, as she looked at me unapologetically. Peter tried to remove his hand from between her legs, but she caught him by the wrist and stopped him.
“I want him to see this, Peter. He needs to see. It will be good for him. He and I talked about this, and we both agreed to it.” She turned her attention to me. “Are the dishes done, sweetie?”
When I nodded in the affirmative, she said, “Good. Now Peter and I need some privacy. You can go to your bedroom or the office upstairs, but we need some privacy. I’ll call you when we’re ready for you. But first, I’d like you to turn down the covers in the master bedroom…and dim the lights.”
“Honey, can we talk privately for a minute? Please?” I implored to her.
She looked annoyed but told Peter she’d be back in a minute.
She took me into our large master bathroom and was clearly annoyed with me.
“Look. This is something we agreed to. I’m taking Peter to bed tonight. Don’t worry, David, I’ll take care of you. Take off your pants.”
I followed her directions.
“And your boxers as well.”
“Just as I thought. You’re hard as a rockt. Your little dick is hard, isn’t it? This is exciting you… seeing the two of us together… isn’t it?”
Her hand went to my cock.
“I knew it. You like this, don’t you?”
I nodded my head affirmatively. She was stroking me gently. I was silent…aching for release. My cock hurt from excitement. Abruptly, she took her hand away.
I’ll tell you what. I’m sleeping with him tonight…here… in our bed. And you’re going to listen. I want you to hear what it is for me to be satisfied…completely. I want you to see what he does to me, David. I want you to feel for yourself.”
With that, she took my hand and directed it up her skirt and between her legs. She pressed it against her crotch, and though she was wearing panties and pantyhose, she felt like a furnace. Her pantyhose were wet.
“You see what he does to me? This is what it’s always like. Now you’re going to follow all my directions tonight. Or you’ll be punished accordingly. Do you understand? And I don’t want you playing with yourself. If you do, there will be consequences. Understand?”
I nodded in agreement.
“Now I want you to set my nightgown on the bed. The short silk one. And the panties that go with it. There are some condoms in my purse. Put them by the bed for us. And the massage oil that I just bought. I want some scented candles too. Okay?”
My head was spinning. I had wanted to voice some concerns to her. Everything was moving so quickly. But I felt paralyzed. Unable to speak…and I felt compelled to follow her directions. Some deep part of me wanted all of this, though I dreaded it at the same time. Despite all my fears, my excitement was at an apogee.
“Now put your clothes back on and get busy. I don’t want to leave Peter waiting.”
In my hopeless attempt to sort things out and regain my equilibrium, one thing stood out starkly. Wendy’s tone had changed dramatically. She had moved from being soft and supportive to assertive to dominant in the course of a couple hours. Without giving it more thought I began moving, and I decided that I would support Wendy in this endeavor to the best of my ability. I wanted to make her happy, despite my mixed emotions.
The two of them were in the living room, though the house was silent. Our bedroom was immaculate. I had seen to that earlier. Without hesitation, I found her nightie, along with the bottoms, in her dresser drawer. Lovingly, I laid them out on the bed. Her purse presented a problem, because it was in the living room, and I didn’t want to disturb them. I was unsure of the rules of the “game.” But instinct told me that I shouldn’t interrupt two people during such an intimate moment. Another part of me wanted, or needed to see. I very quietly walked into the living room. They were still on the couch, but at this point they were very heatedly necking. I froze and watched my heart hammering.
She sensed me there, stopped and faced me. Peter’s face was still buried in her neck. He was oblivious to me. It was so obvious that she had told him not to worry…that I would be alright with all this.
“Sweetie, my purse is in the kitchen. Okay? Be a good boy and take care of things…go ahead.”
She made no move to stop Peter from kissing her neck. His hand was cupping her left breast through her blouse. She stroked his hair, tilted his head up and began kissing him full on the mouth. I fetched her purse in the kitchen and walked past them into the bedroom. Following her directions, I took the condoms from her purse and put them on the nightstand. The massage oil was placed next to it and I lit a few candles that on our headboard.
By the time I returned to the living room, my wife had her blouse open in the front and Peter had his hands inside it. I could hear them kissing, and the occasional groan was punctuating their lovemaking. Peter’s shirt had been pulled out of his pants. I was awed. Never in my life had I witnessed this event, and my erection throbbed in my pants. The uncertainty was also heightening the experience for me. I didn’t know what was going to happen…what my role would be. Her voice snapped me back to the moment.
“David, take my shoes off and put them in the closet. Help me take off my blouse.”
With my heart in my throat I approached her and gently helped her with the blouse. Peter was smiling at me, obviously amused. Wendy’s upper chest and neck had a scarlet color to it, evidence of how turned on she was. I could see her nipples through her bra.
“Now be a good boy and hang it up.”
When I returned, she was unbuttoning Peter’s shirt and peeling it back, revealing a very muscular, very hairy chest.
“Isn’t he beautiful, honey? I want you to see something. I want you to see what makes me so happy.”
With that, she began unbuckling his belt, undoing his pants, and unzipping him. As I watched in amazement, my wife completely unzipped him, reached her hand in, and extricated an enormous penis, completely erect, the shiny black pubic hair forming a perfect nest around it. She wrapped her hand around it with such incredible gentleness, such reverence; I was absolutely moved by the scene.
She looked me in the eye, and in a whisper, said, “You see? You see what I love about him? You see how hard he is? And I didn’t even have to touch him.” She was obviously proud of the fact.
Peter was lying back on the couch. His chest exposed, framed by his white dress shirt. Wearing just her black lace bra, skirt, and pearls, my beautiful wife slowly lowered her head and took him into her mouth, silently, for the briefest and most excruciatingly delicious moment. She had him in a trance.
Her tone became more aggressive with me in an instant as I gazed at his penis, glistening with my wife’s saliva.
“Take his pants and shorts off and take care of them. Hang the pants in our closet and fold his underpants. Then run a bath for us. Make it hot, and put in some bubble-bath.”
Peter lifted himself as I pulled at his pants. The boxers came off with them, and his erection sprung up as if had a string pulling it up from the tip. It was truly magnificent, and I was humbled by its presence, knowing the effect it was having on Wendy. I took his clothes, leaving him in his dress shirt, and dealt with properly. Once in the bathroom, I turned on the tap in the tub, adding her favorite bubble bath. I could hear them giggling while they made love in the living room. When I rejoined them (I was getting increasingly accustomed to the situation) Peter was naked, his shirt on the floor, Wendy’s pantyhose were on the arm of the sofa and she was naked from the waist up. Her lovely black bra, a mere silken shadow on the floor. When she became aware of me she covered her breasts with her arms.
“What are you looking at? I didn’t give you permission to look at me. Get me my robe. And get a robe for Peter.” Her tone was bitchy.
I fetched them the robes, giving Peter mine. Wendy stood up, and had Peter unzip her skirt from behind. Wiggling it down her hips, she bent down to pick it up. I immediately cast my eyes down, not wanting to get her angry.
“Look at me! Like what you see? Too bad, because you’re not touching me at all tonight. “
I looked up at her at her nakedness, in just her panties. Her full breasts at attention, nipples erect. Her black pubic hair visible through the lace. I handed her the robe.
“Now go to your room until I call you. We’ll be in the bathroom…and remember what I told you about touching yourself!”
I retreated to my room as she led him to the bathroom by his penis. I could hear the bathroom door being closed. I was engulfed by grief and excitement. I had a tremendous erection, though I didn’t dare touch it, being uncertain of the consequences. Laughter filtered through the house…Wendy’s laughter…deep throated and sexual. I managed to calm myself, and listened to their voices through the bathroom door. My name was being called.
“David! Come in here! We need you!”
Once at the bathroom door, I knocked, tentatively.
“Come in David. Don’t be shy.”
I entered, and saw them sitting facing each other in the tub. Wendy, bare breasted, David with his sculpted body. The bathroom was steamy, their robes hanging on the back of the door.
“Bring us our wine, darling, will you? Be a dear.”
She leaned forward to kiss him, her hand under the water in his lap.
I hadn’t moved yet, transfixed by the scene.
Coming up for breath, without opening her eyes, she spoke to me.
“Do you like this David? Do you like to watch us?”
I was silent…I knew her question was rhetorical.
“Peter, play with my breasts for David. Wash them for me. I think he’ll like that.”
Peter still seemed a bit hesitant at that point, so Wendy, without further ado, placed his soapy hands on her breasts. Without further provocation, he began gently soaping and massaging them. Taken by the sensation, my wife bent forward, and they engaged in a deep, loving kiss. She was moaning. I noticed her hand moving in his lap, under the wate
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